Black Around the Bloc Sat, 08 Jun 2019 15:33:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Black Around the Bloc 32 32 3 Things to Consider in 2019 Sat, 08 Jun 2019 15:33:11 +0000 From what I’ve gathered after scrolling through social media the past few days, 2018 was a rough year for most. It’s okay, it happens, but there is no reason it should happen twice! So I’m going to leave 2018 behind and consider these 3 things in 2019. Ready? Let’s go!

  1. You’re not in control!  Let me say it again for those in the back, YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL! If there was nothing else I learned in 2018, this was it. Our lives are not our own, we didn’t bring ourselves into this world or create any of the resources. So why do we stress? There is no reason to, because God, who created all of this AND us, is in control. Trying to control things only magnetizes all that we cannot, leading to worry and stress. So in 2019, allow God to take complete control.
  2. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance! It’s a tongue twister I know, but useful nevertheless. How often do we act on impulse? Whether it be shopping, quitting a job, getting into a relationship, how often do we act without preparing? Hopefully not often, but if you’re like me or millions of others then it’s probably more than you’d like. In 2019 let’s take our foot off the gas a little, and prepare for the task to come. That means saving before you even know what you’re saving for, biting your tongue and staying at that job until you find another, or staying single until the RIGHT person comes. [On a sidenote: If the Lord tells you to move, bust a move! His timing and measure are sufficient to take care of you!] 
  3. The ceilings are gone! Have you taken a look around lately? I mean reeeaally looked around at the world? If you have I’m sure you noticed that times are changing and tables are turning. I see minorities opening businesses and experiencing success by the boatload. There has been a rise of African-Americans in politics, business, and other innovative roles. I’m only 24, yet I was still surprised and joy-filled when I read that an African-American man created and sold a form of crypto-currency for billions…BILLIONS! I’m not sure if I’m the only one that excites, but it excited me because now it’s real. To see change happening, let’s me know that ALL limits and ceilings are GONE! You can literally do whatever you set your mind and heart to! So do it, in 2019 I challenge you to be courageous with every endeavor you pursue! Greatness is waiting on you!
Who Controls the Economy? Sat, 08 Jun 2019 15:14:59 +0000  teach an 11th grade business law class, though it’s not a subject I’m particularly passionate about I love teaching it because the freedom that I have and the wide range of topics we can dive into. Every morning we have an “opening” to get class started, and it’s one of the most challenging parts of my day. Simply because each morning I aim to truly make my students critically think by asking them a very deep question.

Well, last week we were going over trading stocks so it only felt right that the question be about the economy. So there it is, how this question came about.

“Who controls the economy?”

They raised their hands, “Rich people” “white people” “the government” “banks” “businesses” “consumers” and a plethora of other answers. I let them yell out all their answers before I asked them, “Not African-Americans?”

You should have seen the looks on their faces lol, they shot me down so quick “NOO Ms.Johnson, we don’t control anything. We don’t even support each other!”

The statement my student made was partially true, yes, we don’t support each other. However, we(African-Americans) have way more control than we think. Because we don’t support each other and shop within our own community, that means we spend money with every other race/community. Don’t get me wrong there’s a movement going on and black love and support is on the rise, even with that being said African-Americans only make up about 13% of the Entrepreneurial community. So ultimately, we’re paying others.

Now if you scroll back up, you’ll see that one of my students answered “Consumers” to our question. And that is the correct answer, consumers control the economy. Consumers control what items are sold, what price and the quantity in which they’re sold.

Simple concept right? Sure it is, 3 years ago I ordered 3 pairs of Champion sweatpants from an online store for a total of $30.00… that’s $10 a pair. That was the retail price for Champion sweats then. I was in the mall last week and saw an identical pair hanging up for $29.99… the same price I paid for 3 pairs, is now the price for 1 pair. Why? Because that’s what consumers say its worth, since that’s what we’re willing to pay. 3 years ago consumers were saying that Champion wasn’t worth more than $10.00 so that’s what it was priced at. See how the consumer control works? We cause prices to rise and fall; I hope it makes sense, because here’s where we attach the African-American dollar to this.

Okay boom, so far we’ve established that African-Americans tend to spend outside of our community and that consumers controls the economy. Cool cool, so if we(African-Americans) don’t spend within our community and 1 USD only makes it about 6-hours within our hands, that means what? That we’re rapidly and consistently consuming… and those who consume do what? ….. control our economy!

So if African-Americans consume the most, that would mean that we have the most control of the economy. Take a look at history, the Montgomery Bus boycotts to be exact. Ms.Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King JR. and the NAACP came together to boycott the bus system. The boycott lasted for 381 days, the local government was so upset they fined taxis, threatened everyone involved and even fined and bombed Dr.Kings house! That’s how powerful our money is!! Eventually the rule was lifted and African Americans were allowed to sit wherever we pleased on the bus, because the loss of our dollar was so impactful it was crippling the Montgomery economy.

The beautiful part is the fact that those dollars are still VERY powerful.. maybe even stronger now. I just wish we’d realize it..
