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How it Works

How to get your Business or Event Listed

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Set Up an Account

Before you can get started posting your Business(es) or Event(s), you must register and complete your account set up with Black Around the Bloc. PLEASE NOTE: If an email verification is required and you do not receive a confirmation email within 3 minutes, it may be in your spam messages.

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Select a Package

Though you have completed your account registration, you still aren't ready to post just yet! First, you must select a package that best suits your needs. You can select a specific package by either pulling up your Profile and clicking the "Select Your Plan" option located in your profile dashboard, or by navigating to the "Prices & Packages" page, located under the "About Us" section.

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Listing your Business and/or Creating an Event

BUSINESS LISTING: YAYY! Your account set-up is complete, now you can list your business(es). In order to list a business, you must select the "Submit Listings" option located in the Top-Right corner of the Home page. Once the form has been completed, select the "Submit" option at the bottom of the page and your listing will be created. PLEASE NOTE: Depending on the Package you purchased, your ad may only be visible or posted for a pre-selected amount of time. EVENT CREATING: If you are looking to Create an Event, there are 4 simple steps to follow. 1) Pull up your Profile dashboard. 2) Click on the "Events" tab to expand your options. 3) Choose the "Create Event" tab and it will automatically direct you to the Event Submitting page. 4) Create and Submit your Event! PLEASE NOTE: Date and Time of an Event are required during the Event Creation, once Event date has past the event will automatically expire and be removed.